Entering The Cobourg Peninsula via Cahills Crossing

Cahills crossing is a flooded causeway on the East Alligator River which divides Kakadu National Park from Arnhem Land and the Cobourg Peninsula. Today, Arnhem Land is 100% Aboriginal land and only a select handful of operators and individuals are granted access.In Arnhem Land, Aboriginal rock art is the world’s oldest continuing art tradition and provides a fascinating pictorial record of their heritage. It dates back over 30,000 years and visitors have the opportunity to meet local Indigenous people and learn firsthand about their extraordinary culture.
Getting there is the interesting part. First you need to experience the infamous Cahills crossing and that’s what we’re going to talk about.
Grab your deck chair, binoculars, a fishing rod and sense of adventure because Cahills Crossing isn’t your everyday fishing hole. The Alligator River that Cahill’s crossing spans, can go from a tame muddy stream into a torrent ready to sweep away any vehicle that dares to cross it. Named after a 19th century buffalo hunter, Cahill’s crossing beckons to any adventurous driver. Many online videos show drivers who attempted to cross and failed to make it.In saying this, with a little local knowledge and due precaution it’s about as dangerous as driving down to the corner store to grab the mornings paper!
Cahills crossing is a wonderful place to spend a day. As the tide comes in you can watch crocodiles hunt for mullet as they spill over the causeway. On the right day, at the right time, you can see thirty or more huge crocodiles hunting for their next meal. Climb up on one of the viewing platform, throw down a deck chair and witness the grandeur of nature in the Australian outback. If you choose to go fishing the river is full of barramundi but be advised to stay well away from the water’s edge and don’t forget- it’s the crocodile you can’t see that is the greatest danger!
When your done with the sightseeing and have caught enough for diner, cross the river at low tide.Make sure your car has a snorkel and the water level is below 500mm. Please note; permits are required to enter Arnhem Land and the Cobourg Peninsula.
Stay safe and you will have a wonderful time!